Active Transportation Plan Open House June 25 at 6:00 pm in the Larry Pepper Room at the Community Centre
The Village of Port Alice is developing a comprehensive Active Transportation Plan (ATP), which will articulate Port Alice’s needs and expectations for active modes of transportation and provide recommendations for actions including:
- Costs of recommended active transportation projects
- The impacts of varying levels of active transportation infrastructure on mobility
- Policy direction on how to improve active transportation options over the long-term
- An Implementation Plan for helping to ensure that active transportation projects are realized
The ATP acts as a guiding strategic document that will address current and future needs for all active modes (pedestrian, cycling, and others) in support of broader community planning objectives. The goal is to provide a safe, efficient and accessible transportation network that will support a high quality of life for residents, and efficient mobility for all.
The current phase of work is focused on taking the insights and feedback from the previous engagement and analysis to propose a series of realistic active mobility improvements throughout the Village which we would now like to present to the public for feedback. The Open House on June 25th is an opportunity for the public to review the recommended projects and improvements, provide feedback, and communicate their priorities for the future of active mobility in the community.
If you have any questions, please call the Village Office at 250-284-3391