NOTICE OF PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT – Transportation Plan Engagement


The Village of Port Alice has retained McElhanney Ltd. to develop an Active Transportation Plan (ATP) that will articulate the needs and aspirations for active mobility improvements throughout the Village. The Plan will include a costed implementation plan to deliver the recommended policies and projects and anticipated benefits that will be gained through their deployment. The Plan is broken out into three phases:

  1. Base Conditions Assessment – understanding the current active mobility context in the Village and hearing from the community on their challenges, issues, and aspirations.
  2. Conceptual Design Options – generating potential solutions to the identified challenges and opportunities to improve the active transportation network.
  3. Implementation Plan – a phased approach to implementing the recommended improvements that is practical, affordable, and feasible.

We are currently in Phase 1 and preparing to launch the first public engagement session on February 22, 2024, at 6:00 pm in the Larry Pepper Room at the Community Centre, to hear from the community and gain the valuable insight that only you can provide.

Let’s get started!