Business Directory
A Business License is required by every business (including home based businesses, and out of town businesses) operating in the Village of Port Alice. A person who carries on business from more than one location shall obtain a license for each business location.
Business Category: Health & Wellness
Adult Recreational Day Program
Social, cognitive and physical activities along with tea and coffee.
Judy Molly
250-527-0266 Better at Home with Ashlee Wells
Support for the non medical needs of older adults
250-949-8333 Diet, Exercise & Wellness (DEW) Group
Located at the Port Alice Legion on Thursday AM's. A support group that gathers to learn about health issues.
All welcome. Port Alice Medical Centre
1090 Marine Dr.
250-284-3555 Port Alice Wish Cupboard
Stores and distributes donated medical supplies & equipment free of charge.
For more information please contact:
Sandra: 250-284-3301
Vicki: 1-614-671-2721
Catherine: 250-284-6160